NEMA brings in non-alcoholic whisky-flavored gin

It’s been basically a year since we saw Bar Nemanja’s non-alcoholic gin. They now have a non-alcoholic whisky-flavored gin, whatever the hell that is.

When we last talked about NEMA, I mentioned something about Seedlip, and about how more and more people are turning away from the bottle…


It turns out I was dead wrong. NEMA Non-Alcoholic Gin — or at least this new flavor dubbed “Non-Alcoholic Gin 0.00% Whisky” — isn’t trying to cater to non-drinkers. No, it looks like they are trying to make new drinkers. They are trying to help people who can’t drink ease into drinking.

Check out this Facebook post they made:

For those that don’t read Japanese, they are basically giving a set of cocktails to help non-drinkers phase their way into drinking an Old Fashioned.

1st Step Old Fashioned: 45ml Non-Alcoholic Gin NEMA 0.00% Whisky, 1tsp maraschino cherry syrup, 1 dash of bitters

2nd Step Old Fashioned: Add 1tsp of your favorite whisky

3rd Step Old Fashioned: Add 10ml of your favorite whisky

That’s right! They are actually trying to push you from not drinking to drinking a goddamn Old Fashioned, a.k.a. “a whisky drinker’s attempt at not looking like a snob.”

It’s a shocking departure from, well, the rest of the world that is beginning to say drinking is bad for you and shit.

Anyway, getting to Non-Alcoholic Gin NEMA 0.00% Whisky, it features the below botanicals:

  • Peated malt
  • White oak
  • Peat
  • Cocoa
  • Two kinds of rose
  • Wild cardamom
  • Nutmeg
  • Juniper berry

That’s a helluva botanical basket! And no alcohol at all!

You can get a 700ml bottle of Non-Alcoholic Gin NEMA 0.00% Whisky from Bar Nemanja for 3240 yen before tax. Assuming it’s ever in stock again…

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